Thursday, March 26, 2009

And We're Off

Someone once said that a person should be at least forty-five years old to author a book.  That way they were old enough to have had the life experiences to be credible and still young enough to act passionately about what they wrote.  Perhaps, the advice from the old sage applies to blogging as well.  I might be a late bloomer since I waited to the last night of my 45th year to commit to writing my Points and Ponderings.  But better late than never! 

In future postings, I will share my wit and wisdom on the items and issues which stir my mind. If you know my mind, you know it can be all over the place.  What I lack in focus, I make up for in opinion.  Fasten your seatbelt, hold on tight and we're off!  

1 comment:

  1. Did you say you have wit? What confidence! :) HA! Good job in this journey as us "young-ens" glean from your vast knowledge and thought! -Danette
